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Case Results

Recent Case Results

While no one can guarantee results, we promise the same hard work in every case.

Felony Hit & Run and Vehicular Manslaughter

Results: Probation only—no jail or prison time. Pay restitution, if any, pay fines/fees, and take some classes.

Client was charged with collision with a motorcycle while driving on the freeway and then fleeing from the scene of the accident without stopping; hit and run with vehicular manslaughter. The victim (motorcycle rider) was pronounced dead in the hospital. The case was stretched out over two years. The District Attorney would not negotiate. We filed several motions and conducted a preliminary hearing. The judge still bound over my client for trial. I then wrote a 995 motion to show previous judge should not have held my client to answer (to go to trial). The powerful 995 motion suddenly made the District Attorney dismiss the felony hit and run charge and offered probation instead of jail or prison time for the manslaughter charge. My client didn’t want to gamble with a trial, so we accepted the plea deal.

25-LIFE on 9 Allegations!

Results: I was able to DISMISS the rape, sodomy, Great Bodily Injury allegation, excessive cruelty and strangulation claim, and 2 of 4 domestic battery charges. Of the two felony PC 273.5 charges, I got him the lowest prison terms and to run concurrently–he’ll be out in one year with good conduct credits.

Young client with zero priors was facing 25 Years to LIFE on several felony false allegations with aggravating factors, enhancements, and registration as a sex offender for life! 9 total allegations, 6 felony counts!

Domestic Battery and Vandalism

Result: Dropped domestic violence charge, no jail time, summary probation, classes for AA and domestic violence.

PC 243e1 (domestic violence) & PC 594 (vandalism/damage/destruction to personal property) after client was drinking and arguing with an ex spouse and father of her children. Client was facing at least 6 months for each charge.

10 Year Old Warrant Recalled

Result: 5-year probation set to only one year. Client is back on track!

Client had multiple DUI’s and multiple probation violation over a period of several years. Last violation caused a warrant to be issued over 10 years ago. Client was a fugitive and stressing during this whole time period.

Felony 273.5 with Great Bodily Injuries Dismissed

Results: I was able to get both felonies dismissed. Client pled to only a P.C. 242 which is a misdemeanor simple battery and permission to withdraw plea for a complete dismissal after completion of probation. No jail or prison time. No domestic violence batterer’s classes. Case is now completely dismissed.

Client was charged with double felonies regarding a domestic violence incident. PC 273.5 is corporal injury to a spouse and 245 an assault likely to cause great bodily harm. Client was facing up to 5 years on each count. I ordered medical reports, body-worn camera footage of arrest and scene, and reviewed all police reports with witness statements. The devil is always in the details. I was able to find the inconsistencies which weakened the allegations.

25-LIFE Case with multiple counts!

Results: I was able to negotiate with the district attorney to release him on probation with removal of strike charges upon successful completion of a 5-year probation. After only 3 years of probation, I successfully asked for early termination of probation and had the strike charges dismissed at the same time. Client now has a family and a successful business.

LIFE Case, 2 strike charges, Weapon Enhancement: (ALL Charges are from one case) 207(a); Felony Kidnapping, 12022(b)(1) PC; Using a Weapon, 211/212.5(c) PC; Robbery in 2nd Degree, 236-237(a) PC; False Imprisonment by fraud or violence or deceit, 245(a)(4) PC; Assault with force likely to cause great bodily injury.

Client Reviews

Attorney Wais Azami provided exceptional representation in my case, demonstrating professionalism, dedication, and a deep understanding of the legal system. His clear guidance, strategic approach, and support...

Ismael M.

Mr. Azami did an outstanding job representing my friend @Daniel in a challenging criminal case. His expertise and dedication was evident from the start, providing clear guidance and support throughout the...

Evelyn S.

Attorney Wais Azami is the best. Mr. Azami obtained a just resolution of my court case in a professional and thorough manner. He was both patient, kind and knowledgeable in the issues of my case.He took the...

Laura M.


Garden Grove Office
12832 Valley View St #203

Garden Grove, CA 92845

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